Real Men Sit in Shit All the Time

"Real Men Sit in Shit All the Time" is a profound statement. Many will look at this and shake their head. 

What does that mean? Only real men understand what I am talking about. Real men take on more responsibility then they can handle. The issue is it can be paralyzing to some. Some take it on and freeze. Some take the bull by the horns and revel in the suffering.

When I talk about "shit", I'm talking responsible. When you take that responsibility as a life or death oath and you have a mind like me, you tend to carry the whole load from financial planning to saving and having a certain lifestyle with kids, making them into men, who will be productive humans at 18. I hate to say but when I had kids, my life changed. 

I think this is something missing with gen z and millennials. When they are brought school system aimed at separating the family, you tend to think of children as a burden more than a joy. I always felt like I wanted kids but the issue is making sure you are ready.

Newsflash, you are never ready. You never will be ready unless,  you are like my boys at 18 will be. So back to shit. Sitting in shit is you doing the right thing and taking on the responsibility of being a man. A man is a provider, partner, father and a warrior ready to fight any battle that comes to threaten your family existence. Are you battle ready? Do you know what your purpose is? I didn't know till I had kids. I felt aimless. Boom. A kid popped out and I collapsed at the rush of responsibility. 

I'll admit. At first, I checked out. I had the provide part down but got lost in myself, discovering a purpose and then feeling the weight of that responsibility. I'll admit, the first year, I checked out. I took a huge step back, took a month off to straighten myself and came out flinging shit at everyone, providing and protecting my family. 

I will tell you, the feeling I got from that, was incredible. Nothing feels better when you start attaining your purpose. 

But don't fear, that purpose will change as time goes on. Was I aware of how much time you have to put in to make these young boys into men. I've always been outside the box thinking, always against the grain. If someone told me to do something, I would do the opposite. It's what you do when American rebellious blood courses through your veins. Most real men feel that. We want to provide and be left alone. 

My wife sent me this meme and it really displays how real men's social life is. The only thing I would add is I'm make my new friends at 50 doing father-son activities. Teton National rules!

Well, I wanted to do this post to explain how real sit in shit all the time, not to complain but to show others how living like this might sound shitty but it's the most fulfilling purpose you can have. To raise, productive men who will continue this on with their kids. I've never felt more alive. 

My hope is for some to see this and choose a traditional family sooner. I know, I kick myself for not starting earlier. This would have been easier when I was younger. You wonder why the one thing you listen o your parents is about having kids. I tell my kids it's a beautiful wake up call and directs your purpose in life. You're not on this planet to just have fun, which is most of the time for me, but to have a family. It's the best way to move up and find a purpose. 

Don't let the naysayers influence you. Stay focused on your goals. Make long term, medium and short term goals. 3 in each categories, the smaller goals being certain prerequisites for attaining the other goals. Do it and watch your life change. Real men wet goals for their life. Seriously, fastest way to hold yourself responsible to yourself. 

I hope this helps anyone who needed to


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